Used cars are a fantastic way to bring home your preferred vehicle without breaking the bank. Usually, they come at a fraction of the price of their brand-new counterparts and let you get a higher model or more luxurious brand without burning a hole in your pocket. But that’s not all—there are various other unique advantages of buying a used car. Our experts have discussed a few of our favorite perks of purchasing a pre-owned car—so keep reading to learn more.

1. You Can Save Money

As stated earlier, used cars cost less than brand-new models. This is due to depreciation—a dip in the value of a vehicle—which affects the first owner the most. As a used buyer, you can make the most of this and get a quality pre-owned car for your family. Buying used also gives you access to models that might otherwise be out of your budget if they were brand new.

2. You Can Explore More Options

Usually, the inventory of used vehicles is larger than the line-up of brand-new models. That’s because pre-owned models include cars released a year ago to those launched several years earlier. This means you can open yourself up to more options and make a more informed buying decision. You can find rare models or vintage cars at great prices and customize your model to suit your endeavors.

3. You Can Get a Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle

Certified pre-owned (CPO) vehicles give you the assurance you need to finalize your decision. As manufacturers and certifying authorities inspect, refurbish, and certify these cars, you can rest assured knowing you are getting a good-quality car that will continue to serve you for years. CPO vehicles offer many of the same benefits as new cars, including warranties and special financing offers.

On that note, visit Gold Motors Auto Group to explore a few models in person. We can show you what we have and help you pick a used car that suits your budget and unique requirements. We proudly serve Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Brandon, FL, so stop by today.